My Mission

At very young age I realized I was chosen and set apart. As early as the age of 3 or 4, I would hear the faint sound of the Lord calling me by name. “Tamara” I would hear the voice say. I would turn to see nothing. I would run home and ask my mom was it she that called. But no it wasn’t my mom. I knew I heard my name. She would just say its God. Next time answer when He calls.

We would always walk and talk, me and my God. Even at this age I knew him and my heart’s desire was to please him. As I grew older I still heard His voice but times it was diluted by other things; distractions or my own self ambitions. But I always remember begin aware of the call…

I didn’t do things that everyone else did. I was different and I knew it at times I felt completely alone but I knew He was always there.

I was a daughter of a King, I held myself in high regards. I was not moved by words from boys like “you’re beautiful”. They were only words God had already proving through His love for me. I knew Him and He knew me. My confidence turned to cockiness to self-righteousness; judging other as they sought what I had already found. God was my father, my friend and my lover.

He was there grooming me for greatness. I vowed to be completely and utterly obedient. It was this obedience that caused me to wed at the age of 20. Though I didn’t understand it then, I know it was the Lord that wanted to preserve my purity. It is written to much is given much is required. Through my relationship, God has reveal my purpose and mission.

What is my purpose in life?

To heal, deliver and prophetically proclaim the Word of God, speak life to the dead and desolate while teaching holiness and purity to God’s people and equipping His people for victorious and fruitful lives.

What is my mission?

To take over the world...

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