In facing a transitional season of your life, God will ask you to do something completely contrary to your personal plans.
As Christians we all know the story, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:16
“Oh, Thank ya Jesus”, ” Hallelujah
But wait don’t shout yet because God expects that SAME sacrifice from you. No, no, He is not expecting you to slay you’re first born but He does expect you to give what you love the most or what you value. It may not be your child but it could be your car, your job, your home, your spouse or part of yourself. The reality is when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are expected to take up your cross and walk with Him. What does that mean? Simply put you must die to yourself and became fully dependent on God. That means you don’t move unless, He says move…
Sometimes the things that God requires are those same things that He has promised us. Abraham is a good example of this Gen. 22:14.
God knew in the beginning that He would have to offer His son for the sins of the world. This had not been revealed to Abraham but he was still faithfully and trusted God in his sacrifice. Maybe God is requiring something from you, that you may not understand. Maybe you have already lost something. Understand that our thoughts are not His thoughts. God is not a logical God. God’s expectations may not make sense to man.
Other times God needs you to release things so He has room to bless you with something else. God is a God of newness. New is what you never knew…
© 2010, Tamara L. Floyd. All rights reserved. Contact for permissions to use/reprint any content.